Misinformation is everywhere. It is effective in several ways including occupying your time to deceive you and encourage you to spreed falsehoods aka lies.
With the amount of information that we come across on a daily basis it would be a full time job to research everything we hear. There are things that sound so believable yet are total fabrications. Do we rely on others to search for us, take someone else's word for it or do we take the time to check it out for ourselves? I suggest the latter.
In an attempt to aide you in your fact checking journey, this post provides you access to several websites that
are dedicated to empowering you to find the truth or dispel a lie, which ever your prefer. The websites featured here all free to use/search as of the publication date of this post.
https://reporterslab.org/fact-checking/ Duke Reporters Labs by
Would you like to pitch your idea on how to help solve misinformation? This next site is for you. Quoting from their about page this second featured site “is a global movement focused on building solutions to online trust, verification, fact checking, and reader experience in the interest of addressing misinformation in all of its forms.” https://misinfocon.com/
Some of the following websites directly address scam tracking and how information on how to prevent fraud. I included them because they also deal with detecting falsehoods roaming on the net.
Scam tracker, fighting financial fraud: http://www.bbbmarketplacetrust.org/
Scam tracker, fighting financial fraud: http://www.bbbmarketplacetrust.org/
Aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion: https://www.factcheck.org/
Fraud prevention tips: http://www.fraud.org/prevent_fraud
Latest fact checks: https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/
Check trust ratings of websites prior to online purchases: https://www.scamadviser.com/
Fighting misinformation: https://www.snopes.com/
Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with the websites listed herein nor with their parent companies.