(Recently Checked 10/15/2020)
What is being said sports wise live? It dawned upon me that not everyone I know is on Twitter. Having a shared interest in sports with many people I wanted to add a live sports feed for their enjoyment. I've had Sports Portal/Links ( sidebar) for a while so this new Sports Tweets via http://twitter.com/AbbyCe/all-about-sportsmakes a nice addition.
A Twitter List by AbbyCe
What is being said sports wise live? It dawned upon me that not everyone I know is on Twitter. Having a shared interest in sports with many people I wanted to add a live sports feed for their enjoyment. I've had Sports Portal/Links ( sidebar) for a while so this new Sports Tweets via http://twitter.com/AbbyCe/all-about-sportsmakes a nice addition.
A Twitter List by AbbyCe