] Pondering: life


Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts

January 1, 2019

Hello 2019

What a way to start the new year!

Had an intimate, simple bubbly celebration to welcome in the new year. Stayed up much later than previous new years day but it was nice to do so.

August 28, 2008

It's About Time

Well you may or may not know that I love sports, not all sports of course. Specifically, I enjoy playing volleyball. I used to spend hours playing either at the beach or at the vcourt. Recently while organizing the garage, sorting stuff, I ended up with five basketballs, a bunch of tennis and golf balls and Zero volleyball. Hmmmmm, I pondered. Wondering what happened to it then I recalled how it had been used as a soccer ball by my older children years ago. Of course, after that it really did not serve much as a volleyball. Since I am adding more physical activities to my life, I figured, perfect time to get a new volleyball. So it happens that before I could even get my hands on one, I ended up with Tennis elbow (which had nothing to do with tennis) when I was picking up a box, I must not have picked it up correctly (no duh) and could not use my arm for a long time. It hurt like you know what. I figured, no big deal let it heal then I will get back to my physical activities. Well nooooooooo, then my left arm suffered the same scenario, this time is happened doing something else. Seems like one thing after the other is delaying my ability to get my hands on that ball, so I wait letting the healing process take it's course. It has healed somewhat, when I do feel the pain I take it as a reminder that I have things left to do and am anxious to get it all done. Getting back to playing volleyball is not just an outlet for burning cal's, it is a great stress reliever for me, I smile when I play. I guess I am just happy to be able to hit the ball and make it go where I want it to go. At a time when things are taking us in directions we may not want to go, at least there is some things we have control of in life, including putting that ball precisely where we want it to go. It's just that simple.

September 26, 2007

Today is...

...an excellent day!

There are days where all falls into place, where there is no stress. Today is one of those days. I am doing all I can to absorb it, enjoy it without taking it for granted. Not even going to speculate about the rest of the day, for now, at this very moment, I have no complaints. It sounds as if I am blinded, not seeing what is happening in the world, today I am not letting that suck me in. I have a choice! Today I purposely choose to live in the moment, to be grateful for the many joys in my life, to fill the day with memorable moments no matter how simple they maybe. Every minute does count weather you believe or not, it does. We lose out on so much. Interesting how it does not cost a thing to make every minute in ones life count, yet it is costly if we do the opposite.

April 16, 2007


It's Motivational Quote Monday:

Real difficulties can be overcome; it is only the imaginary ones that are unconquerable.
by Theodore N. Vail

Quote Located at: Goal-Setting-Guide.com

March 20, 2007

Life Quote

Life isn't a dress rehearsal.
by Kerry Packer
Classic Motivational Quotes from: http://www.servicentric.com/matt/quotes.html

October 20, 2006

A Friday Quote


"Sometimes, I guess there's just not enough rocks. "
1994 Movie Forrest Gump

August 21, 2006

An evening quote

"Sometimes one pays most for the things one gets for nothing."
by: Albert Einstein

August 17, 2006

My sister and choices

My sister lives in a different time zone and for all accounts lives a totally different life than I do. It was her birthday yesterday. After not reaching her the first time I called, I tried one more time later in the evening and we ended up talking until midnight. We talked about so many different things including the state of our aging bodies.

For starters let me paint you a mental picture of her. Her hair is long, very

May 1, 2006

Anon Quotes

Today's quotes are all anonymous courtesy of coolquiz.com. I had that link located in the Just 4 Fun section of the side bar however that website is no longer active.
    "Bad habits are like a comfortable bed, easy to get into, but hard to get out of."
    "Don't waste a $1000.00 worth of emotion over a 5 cent triviality."
    "No one can go back and make a brand new start, my friend, but anyone can start from here and make a brand new end."
    "Years may wrinkle the skin. Lack of enthusiasm will wrinkle the soul."

April 19, 2006

no words

Felt like throwing in a quote here today. Last night was a rough one. The county school board voted to break up this community sending some of the students in the area to a school further away while keeping the rest at the school within our community. By the way, this is the same school board that removed religious holidays from the school calendar only to reverse themselves after receiving National media coverage. The comments they made last night were insulting. Our school meets class size yet they still voted to split us up!!! No consideration was taken regarding how this will emotionally impact the kids that can live together but not go to school together! They could care less for all the working parents who have children in before and after school care who now have to scramble to find new arrangements!!!! HCSB, grow a brain! Not one word they said justified this split yet it created a set of problems which they will be forced to fix (in a hurry) I may add, come August 2006.

You know I'll be writing more on this subject.

"I prefer to be true to myself, even at the hazard of incurring the ridicule of others, rather than to be false, and to incur my own abhorrence."

by Frederick Douglass

March 13, 2006

Okay, one more

Today's second quote:

Why, I'd horse-whip you if I had a horse.

- Groucho Marx

Quote: Irish Proverb

Today's first quote is in honor of St. Patrick's Day which is on Friday March 17th:

It is in the shelter of each other that the people live. - Irish proverb

Links of interest:



February 27, 2006

Monday: Quote Time

What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog.
by Dwight D. Eisenhower

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.
by Soren Kierkegaard

Fish and visitors stink after three days.
by Benjamin Franklin


February 6, 2006

William S.

Last weeks Quote was by William Shakespeare
"And since you know you cannot see yourself, so well as by reflection, I, your glass, will modestly discover to yourself which you yet know not of."
Today's quotes:
"Behind every successful man stands a surprised mother-in-law."
"Every man is guilty of all the good he did not do."
both by Voltaire

January 30, 2006

On this Monday (4)

Last Monday I believed I shared some of my favorite quotes. Today I am asking for you to share your favorite quotes, if you feel so inclined. You can send them via comments or email.

While you're at it, do you recognize who was being quoted here?

"And since you know you cannot see yourself, so well as by reflection, I, your glass, will modestly discover to yourself which you yet know not of."


January 23, 2006

On this Monday, Quotes

Many things have been taken and archived as quotes during this life time. The following quotes are a small sample of the many I have had the pleasure to come across:

The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew.
Abraham Lincoln
We have a hunger of the mind which asks for knowledge of all around us, and the more we gain, the more is our desire; the more we see, the more we are capable of seeing.
Maria Mitchell
The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers.
M. Scott Peck

The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.
Paul Valery
Life is a progress, and not a station.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily differences we can make which, over time, add up to big differences that we often cannot see.
Marian Wright Edelman

Hope you enjoyed them.

Recognizing that my spirit was growing into a contemptuous one, I needed to remind myself of all the things that really matter without overwhelming myself, therefore a few years ago I wrote this next quote: "Your actions, your legacy." E.L.C.

I've added a search box at the bottom of this blog in case you are interested in searching for quotes or anything else for that matter.

Have a pleasant Monday.

December 23, 2005

Dealing with Loss

How do you cope with the loss of a loved one? Everyone deals with it differently that is a given. Is there a right or wrong way to grieve? I am not able to answer that either, as one thing might be right for one person but totally wrong for another. I've dealt with such losses at an early age. At one point I felt as if every weekend was spent in a funeral parlor watching my parents say goodbye to a friend or a family member. It left an impression on me because no one could explain to me the look on everyone's face. It was as if I was looking into their grief yet not fully comprehending the depth of such pain. Many years later I learned what that look meant when one of my brothers passed away.

The word pain is not nearly enough to fully describe what I was feeling. I know a part of me died when he died. I know I miss him terribly. I miss being naïve about mortality...did I need to learn this lesson? If I say I did, then why did my brother's loss have to be to the one to teach me? Honestly, I would have not preferred to have learned it at all. Since then I have lost two childhood friends and my oldest stepson. Each time the pain compounds almost to the point of not being able to breathe. So how do I cope with so much loss? I don't pressure myself in to rationalizing it for the most part. I cry and cry and cry some more. Eventually, I make sense of it all. I'll make a conscious choice to honor them by honoring my memories of them, the jokes they played on people or on me, their spirits filled with eagerness to conquer all they could, watching them fall, dust themselves off and pick themselves back up again, their dreams played out in front of me, their ability to make things so much better than what they found them, the light in their eyes when speaking of their favorite things...yes, I carry these memories where ever I go. When I hear a song that reminds me of one of them, I smile and am thankful for having had the wonderful opportunity to have had their presence in my life. One thing remains constant, their zest for life is often what reminds me of how fortunate I am to still have the opportunity to live my life to the fullest, to stay true to oneself and above all never take anyone for granted although I must confess 
there are times that on some of these I may not always succeed.

One relative called me cold once because I did not show emotion when they expected me to.  What they did not know at that time was that it took all the energy I had to stay calm or else I would have lost my mind. That is how painful loss is to me. It's not lack of emotion or fear of showing emotion. It is an overwhelming sensation that stems from every fiber of your being and containing it is the only choice for me when others are grieving at the same time. That was the look on everyone's face all those years ago. That's what I have managed to understand yet I close my eyes and wish it all away if I had only one wish to bring back those who I have loved and lost. So the next time when sharing with family and friends I'll look into their eyes and I'll capture their essence as if for the last time. I'll give them all the time I may have to give and I'll sleep calmly knowing that each of them knows how much they are loved and appreciated just for being exactly who they are.


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