How do you plan to manage your sadness, anxiety or depression if your candidate doesn't win in Nov?
#MentalHealth #BeKindToYourself #Election2020 #EmpowerYourself #StriveUp #InThisTogether
— AC (@AbbyCe) September 24, 2020
The above was my first tweet in months. I was silent during that period for several reasons. I could have tweeted sooner yet I had to go through what I was going through first. I may not be completely through it yet I am closer to the other side. I made my peace with it which is what I was working towards.
After reading so many mean and hate filled comments about who is going to win the 2020 Presidential election and why, I paused to ponder about what if their person lost? Passionate responses to whatever survey, article or person that many were replying to, were filled with so much anger that if their person lost, how would they handle such loss?
I became concerned. We aren't islands, our paths cross so the last thing I need (any of us need right now) is another trauma to deal with, your election disappointment trauma specifically. I lost count of everything painful that has taken place so far in 2020 that numerating them will cause anxiety and anger due to the many horrific injustices, weather related tragedies, the pandemic, home schooling, loss of powerful icons, job losses and the list goes on and on. People are emotionally worn out while doing their best to function from day to day even if they are in the midst of chaos. They are not alone, I am not alone, you are not alone.
Please note that although we'd like to believe things will always go the way we would like them to, that's not always the case. Whether our first reaction leads to another series of tragedies we can only blame ourselves instead of what provoked the ire in the first place. Carving out time, even it's 1 minute a day to remind yourself that you are brave will help you navigate feelings of despair. It is vital that we take the time to address the emotions that 2020 has brought out in us as it is equally vital to take the time to prepare for anything else 2020 has left to toss our way. We may not know what the future brings, yet we do know we can manage as best we can if we work on our mental health first. Practicing bravery creates strength. Lets become and stay strong, our future selves will thank us.